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SPACEBEL Participating in ESA’s ICT4Forest Project
The European ICT4Forest project – Dynamic Monitoring and Management Services for Forest in which SPACEBEL is closely involved has recently been kicked off.
The overall idea of this new project is to set up a dynamic and autonomous monitoring service to improve forest management in terms of inventory, change in time, use and health status.
In the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, sustainable forest management has turned into an urgent yet complex challenge requiring high-performance monitoring facilities.
However, in most countries, forestry remains traditionally a local business activity based upon static information from various types of sources and lacking regular updates.
To tackle these problems, ICT4Forest will harmonise, in a cost-effective and seamless way, different sources of forest and Earth Observation data into a unique digital service platform offering integrated and dynamic forest monitoring and management features. This innovative IT system will facilitate the day to day business for silviculture operations.
SPACEBEL will be in charge of the satellite image interpretation-based monitoring activities to be integrated into the Wuudis Business service platform using artificial intelligence, free Sentinel and other satellite data as well as available open data.
Eventually, the ICT4Forest services will be available at a reduced price in order to promote the system as a fore-runner in forest data digitalization.
Over the years, SPACEBEL has become a trusted provider of satellite data expertise in the forest monitoring field, amongst other thanks to our involvement in several European projects such as EO Regions!, DataBio, ESA’s Forestry TEP etc.
ICT4Forest represents a new opportunity to consolidate our position in the area of smart forestry solutions.