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SPACEBEL Continues Metawal Improvement
Involved in the Metawal project since 2012 for the Walloon Public Service (SPW), SPACEBEL has been granted a new contract to continue upgrading and maintaining the tool.
Metawal (Métadonnées wallonnes = Walloon Metadata) is the catalogue of public geographical resources in the Walloon region of Belgium. It centralizes information, services, dynamic maps and static maps relating to the Walloon territory, all according to specific standards and in the form of metadata, i.e. a presentation as complete as possible of each resource.
Editing and managing metadata as well as access to more advanced information are done directly via Metawal by authenticated users. Records encoded in Metawal can be easily viewed by any public through the Geoportal of Wallonia.
Both applications (Metawal and Geoportal of Wallonia) are synchronized daily.
In order to optimize the Metawal tool in terms of workflow and encoding, the Walloon Region has decided to call on SPACEBEL again, on the one hand, to set up a dashboard with specific functions for each stakeholder in the metadata editing workflow and, on the other hand, to redesign the interfaces and publishing modules using a simple, ergonomic and specific editing form for each resource.
SPACEBEL will be responsible for the further evolution of Metawal and its maintenance. The project will be conducted in collaboration with Titellus.